Terms and Conditions

I. Acknowledgement and Acceptance of Terms of Use for HBtourists Website

Welcome to the HBtourists travel planning service (hereinafter referred to as "the Service"). By completing the registration inquiry procedure of the HBtourists website or starting to use the Service, you indicate that you have read, understood, and agreed to comply with all the contents of this Agreement, and you fully accept the existing and future service contents and items that may arise from the Service.

HBtourists reserves the right to revise or change the content of this Agreement at any time. The revised agreement will be announced on the HBtourists website and will not be separately notified to users. It is recommended that you keep abreast of possible modifications or changes at all times. If you do not agree to any of the amendments or updates to the above agreement, or if you do not agree to any other provisions of this Agreement, you should immediately stop using the Service.

If you are under the age of twenty, please ensure that your parents (or guardians) have read, understood, and agreed to this Agreement and its future modifications and changes before continuing to use the Service. When you use or continue to use the Service, it is deemed that your parents (or guardians) have read, understood, and agreed to comply with all the contents of this Agreement and its future modifications and changes.

II. Obligations of Registration Inquiry

In order to use the Service, you agree to follow the following:

  1. You should provide accurate and up-to-date information about yourself as required in the registration inquiry of the Service. You may not register inquiries in the name of others or provide false or forged information. Each registration inquiry user can only register once.

  2. You should ensure that the personal information provided is kept up-to-date and correct. If you provide any incorrect, false, or incomplete information, HBtourists has the right to suspend or terminate your registration inquiry and refuse your use of all or part of the Service.

III. Content of Registration Inquiry and Privacy Protection Policy

For the content of registration inquiry and other specific information, please refer to the "Privacy Protection Policy" on this website to understand how it is protected and regulated.

IV. Protection of Intellectual Property Rights

The software or programs used by the Service, and all content on the website, including but not limited to works, images, files, information, data, website architecture, website screen arrangement, webpage design, are legally owned by HBtourists or other rights holders, including but not limited to trademark rights, patent rights, copyright, trade secrets, and proprietary technology. No one may use, modify, reproduce, publicly broadcast, adapt, distribute, publish, publicly express, reverse engineering, decompile, or disassemble them without authorization. If you want to quote or reprint the aforementioned software, programs, or website content, you must obtain the prior written consent of HBtourists or other rights holders in accordance with the law.

V. User's Lawful Obligations and Commitments

You undertake not to use the Service for any illegal purposes or in any illegal manner and undertake to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. You agree and guarantee not to use the Service to engage in acts that infringe on the rights of others or violate the law, including but not limited to:

  • Disclosing or transmitting any slanderous, insulting, threatening, aggressive, indecent, obscene, false, or illegal text, images, or any form of files that violate public order or good customs

  • Infringing the reputation, privacy, trade secrets, trademark rights, copyright, patent rights, other intellectual property rights, and other rights of others

  • Violating confidentiality obligations in accordance with law or contract

  • Registering inquiries in someone else's name

  • Transmitting or spreading computer viruses

  • Sending spam emails

  • Other behaviors that HBtourists considers inappropriate

VI. Service Suspension and Disclaimer

HBtourists will maintain the normal operation of this website and the Service in a general reasonable way and means. However, in the following circumstances, HBtourists has the right to suspend or interrupt the provision of all or part of the Service without the obligation to notify you in advance, and HBtourists will not be liable for any direct or indirect damages to the user:

  1. When moving, replacing, upgrading, maintaining, or repairing software and hardware equipment related to the Service

  2. In case of sudden electronic communication equipment failure

  3. When the electronic communication service applied for by the company's website is suspended and cannot provide service

  4. When the website is unable to provide services due to force majeure or other reasons that cannot be attributed to HBtourists

  5. When the user violates government laws or this User Agreement

The above is the content of the HBtourists website User Agreement. Please read it carefully and confirm that you have fully understood and agreed to the above provisions. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.